Just writing

It's a crazy world out there!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Decipher this

I always want to understand economics (and also be good at it!) solely because I thought it tries to theorise common sense, until I formally studied the Theory of Positive Economics in my MBA. Here is one of the statements from  Theory of Positive Economics, it goes like this:
"Assumptions of a hypothesis can be used to get some indirect evidence on the acceptability of hypothesis in so far as the assumptions can themselves be regarded as implications of the hypothesis."
I needn't say how much common sense this statement sounds. :-)
I will write more on my experiences with Economics.

Social changes affected by BPO in India

Among many spin offs of BPO sector in India (namely increased income of the 18-25 bracket of youth etc.), the one which I read today in Economic Times seemed most interesting. The article says "BPOs fuel live-in relationships". This is interesting. Is this again an example of western business styles changing life styles in India? ("With accent, time clock, habits and way of thinking being modeled on the American way of life, it has invariably crept into their mindset.", says a line from this article.) I think I am being myopic if I say that. We chose to be smart and tell the Americans that while you sleep or while you are awake, we can handle your customer care from here at a fraction of cost. And they were convinced.
Read yourself to draw your own opinions.