From sensitising businesses to sensitising humans
There have been mechanisms in the market which help businesses offset any negative impact of their processes on the environment. Carbon emissions trading is one of them. Under this, an organisation mandated to reduce emissions by a certain 'x' % by certain year, can either do it by improving its own processes or fund a project which can reduce the 'incidence' of emissions (in comparison to the baseline emissions by a status quo process). For example, a paper business in France can either meet its emission reduction targets by investing (say 'x' Euros) in improving its own processes. However, it can achieve the same by funding (say 'y' Euros) a hydel project in India. And if y < x, the business would prefer funding the hydel project (the hydel project produces zero emissions in comparison to coal based generation).
The environment policy makers and the more aware politicians and academicians are aiming at going a step ahead by doing this to humans. Currently though, they are just being sensitised to do so. Imagine, each human having a quota of emissions (s)he can cause per year. Emissions caused by use of energy - at home via heating and use of electricity, during driving their cars, while travelling by air. Imagine (s)he being given the choice to fund (or partly fund) a emission reduction project (say planting trees, or installing solar cells in a village instead of supplying coal based power to it) to achieve his/her targets; the other way being of course by reducing energy consumption on their own- flying less, travelling by bus/metro rail etc. Or by buying eco efficient products instead of normal products and thus achieving the same amount of reduction in emissions. (Actually, some people are encouraging the world to do this already). And the business opportunities arising out of all this is immense.
The problems of environment have actually created so many business opportunities (and hence wealth and jobs). So finally, problems are not that bad for world.
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